case study

Streamlining admin tasks to provide strategic guidance

Signature Aluminum Canada, Inc. has over 50 years of experience as a niche supplier of aluminum products and services in North America. Learn more about how ADP Workforce Now® allows companies, like Signature Aluminum, secure access to HR, recruitment, performance management, payroll information and even a component to securely store and access employee-related digital documents all on a single, unified platform.

Using ADP Workforce Now® allows our employees to see our HR as an engaged department instead of an area of the company that is bogged down by administrative tasks.

Signatue Aluminum Canada

Caitlin Inwards, Human Resources Manager
Signature Aluminum Canada Inc.

The challenges Signature Aluminum Canada faced:

  • Combination of manual, paper based tools and electronic systems meant a disjointed, inaccurate view of Signature's workforce
  • Gaps in process exposed the company to accidental information loss or unauthorized access
  • Significant time spent manually entering information into multiple databases
  • HR became a bottle neck as employees and managers had no self service tools

How ADP helped:

  • Signature Aluminum Canada leverages ADP Document Cloud to easily store and access key documents
  • One unified database provides seamless sharing of information between all ADP Workforce Now® modules: no more manual data entry to multiple systems
  • Employee and Manager self-service options has reduced volume of requests on HR team, enabling them to focus on value-added strategic activities
  • Saved approximately 40 hours per month by streamlining processes and system integration

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